来源: 作者: 发布时间:2022-07-23邀请人:
时间: 2022-07-23
题目:Non-Abelian topological charges in photonics |
报告人:杨镖 副研究员(国防科技大学) 时 间:2022年7月18日(今晚)20:00-22:00 地 点:腾讯会议978-326-105 |
摘要:Since the 1980s, the discovery of integer quantum Hall effect and the subsequent topological interpretation took condensed matter physics into a new era. To date, the notion of topological phases has gone far and beyond the origin realm of condensed matter physics, and has profound impact in the discovery and understanding of all kinds of new materials. The underlying principle is that the bulk property of materials can be exhaustively classified by integer groups, which can be viewed as Abelian topological charges. Very recently, researchers theoretically proposed the new notion of non-Abelian topological charges, which takes topological phase classification to another level. Within this new framework, bulk materials are classified by non-Abelian entities that behave like matrices (such as “quaternions”). In the non-Abelian topological phases, multiple (n>1) bandgaps will be tangled together and they will exhibit intriguing braiding features. The non-Abelian topological charges do not only expose a new connection between mathematics and physics, but they also show many potential applications. In this talk, I will introduce the concept of non-Abelian topological charges as well as the accompanying properties, which include topological phase transitions, edge state distributions. Especially I will show non-Abelian nodal links in photonic metamaterials, where the non-Abelian braiding features will be clearly demonstrated.
简历:杨镖,现任国防科技大学副研究员。2011年获国防科技大学学士学位,2018年获英国伯明翰大学博士学位(导师为张霜教授,目前为香港大学讲席教授),2020-2022年在香港科技大学完成“香江学者”博士后计划(导师为香港科学院院士陈子亭教授),主要从事拓扑光子学研究。截至目前,以第一(含共同一作)/通讯作者在顶级期刊发表Science 1篇、Nature 1篇、Nature Physics 1篇、Nature Communications 3篇和Physical Review Letters 4篇等。 |
联系方式:cuicuilu@bit.edu.cn 邀请人:路翠翠 网 址:http://physics.bit.edu.cn/ 承办单位:物理学院、先进光电量子结构设计与测量教育部重点实验室 |