7003全讯入口“博约学术论坛”- 张玉祥-第428期
来源: 作者: 发布时间:2024-01-09邀请人:
时间: 2024-01-09
题目:亚波长原子链中的集体辐射 |
报告人:张玉祥 特聘研究员 时 间:2024年1月10日(周三)10:00 地 点:线下-中关村校区网络中心110会议室; 线上-腾讯会议:180-840-376 |
摘要: 原子的自发辐射是最基本的量子现象之一。对于一个原子系综而言,当原子之间的间距短于共振波长时,自发辐射将呈现显著的集体效应。我们考虑一种简单的情况,即二能级原子有序地排成等间距的一维链。当原子间距小于半波长时,系统将出现寿命很长的亚辐射态。此类亚辐射态的衰减速率按照 N-(s+1) 的幂率随原子数目的增长而减小。我们在马尔科夫近似条件下证明这一规律具有一定的普适性,不依赖于具体的电磁场边界条件[1]。在电磁场为一维波导的特定系统中,我们进一步研究集体行为形成过程中的非马尔科夫动力学。我们发现在这一系统中和芝诺现象相关的自发辐射早期阶段具有较长的持续时间,因而,电磁场的记忆效应也会显著影响集体行为的形成。 [1] Yu-Xiang Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 193603 (2023).
联系方式:ningw@bit.edu.cn 邀请人: 吴宁 网 址:/ 承办单位:物理学院、先进光电量子结构设计与测量教育部重点实验室 |
*Title:Collective Emissions of Subwavelength Atomic Chains |
*Reporter: Yu-Xiang Zhang *Time: *Place: *Contact Person: |
*Abstract: Spontaneous emission is one of the most fundamental phenomena of quantum physics. In contrast to the case of a single atom, spontaneous emission from an atomic ensemble shows significant collective effects if the separations between the atoms is shorter than resonant wavelength. Here we consider a regular atom chain and show that whenever the distance between the neighboring atoms is shorter than half a wavelength, there will be subradiant states of which, under the Markovian approximation, the decay rate scales with the atom number as N-(s+1) . We find that this power law scaling is valid independent to the details of the electromagnetic field. Furthermore, we study how such collective behavior is established in the system of waveguide QED. We find that the Zeno time of this system is substantially long so that the field memory effect will impacts the formation of collective emissions.
Yu-Xiang Zhang obtains his bachelor (2012) and PhD (2016) from the University of Science and Technology of China. During 2017-2022 he works as a postdoc in Aarhus University and Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen. Since 2022, he works as an associate professor in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests are theories of quantum optics and quantum information.