7003全讯入口“博约学术论坛”-Wern Ng-第473期
来源:吴昊 作者:Dr. Wern Ng 发布时间:2024-09-23邀请人: 吴昊
报告人: Dr. Wern Ng
时间: 2024-09-23
地点: 中关村校区,体育馆南厅A03-A04会议室
题目:Portable diamond maser for quantum sensing with low noise temperatures, without cryogenics |
报告人:Dr. Wern Ng 时 间:2024年9月23日(周一) 14:00-15:15 地 点:中关村校区,体育馆南厅A03-A04会议室 |
微波激射,既微波频段的激光,可作为超低噪声微波放大器增强极微弱微波信号,用于医疗检测和移动通讯领域。但直到现在,唯一的常温连续波微波激射器(基于金刚石NV-色心)需要>2000kg电磁铁,对运输、使用造成了不便。在本报告中,我们将介绍常温连续波微波激射器的重要进展——我们把器件重量减少到30kg,并且相比于现有金刚石NV-微波激射器功率增强。此外,我们也将展示外加磁场与NV-晶轴对齐程度不会对微波激射器性能造成太大影响。我们的研究将为常温微波激射器轻量化、小型化提供新的思路,也将促进该类器件更快速的扩展和推广,使其低噪声放大潜力在移动通讯和量子计算等领域得以实现。 |
简历:Wern Ng comes from Malaysia and is a Postdoc at Imperial College London (ICL), having finished his PhD in Materials there. His thesis was on building homemade transient EPR spectrometers with second-hand parts, to study maser materials and long-lifetime spin materials such as pentacene and NV- diamond. He has published four papers in journals such as Advanced Materials (IF 27.4) and Applied Physics Letters. He has secured multiple grants such as the Innovation Fund (£10k), Royce Industrial Programme (£100k) and EPSRC Maser-in-a-Shoebox grant (£475k, EP/Y00471X/1). In his free time, he is currently a slow-learning beginner at guitar. |
联系方式:hao.wu@bit.edu.cn 邀请人: 吴昊 网 址:/ 承办单位:物理学院、量子技术研究中心 |