来源: 作者: 发布时间:2021-09-05邀请人:
时间: 2021-09-05
第 311 期
题目:Topological Transmission Line Network |
报告人:姜天舒博士 (香港科技大学) 时 间:2021年9月6日20:00-22:00 腾讯会议 ID:425 913 262 |
摘要: Topological phases protected by various symmetries have interested researchers enormously. They all can be described by topological charges taking quantized values, i.e. the integer group In this talk, I will mainly talk about the studies of non-Abelian topological insulators realized in transmission line networks. We both theoretically explored and experimentally realized 3-band and 4-band PT (inversion and time-reversal) symmetric systems. In the 3-band system study, the quaternion-valued non-Abelian topological charges are clearly mapped onto an eigenstate-frame sphere. Moreover, we find a non-Abelian quotient relation that provides a global perspective on the distribution of edge/domain-wall states. In the 4-band system study, two new classes of topological charges as well as edge states are comprehensively studied. We illustrate their difference from four-dimensional rotation. We show the evolution of bulk topology by extending the 1D Hamiltonian onto a 2D plane and provide the accompanying edge state distributions following an analytical method. |
简历: Dr. Tianshu Jiang is currently a visiting scholar at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). After getting a bachelor's degree from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2014, he joined the group of Prof. Che Ting Chan’s group at HKUST as a Ph.D. student and graduated in 2020. His high-level publications include Nature, Nat. Commun., Light Sci. Appl., Nanophotonics, etc. |
联系方式:cuicuilu@bit.edu.cn 邀请人:路翠翠 网 址:/ 承办单位:物理学院、先进光电量子结构设计与测量教育部重点实验室 |