来源:郑法伟 作者:亓冲 副教授 (瑞典皇家理工学院) 发布时间:2024-03-22邀请人: 郑法伟
报告人: 亓冲 副教授 (瑞典皇家理工学院)
时间: 2024-03-22
地点: 良乡校区,物理实验楼229会议室
题目:Uncertainty in neutron drip line at Sn and its impact on r-process abundances |
报告人:亓冲 副教授 (瑞典皇家理工学院) 时 间:2024年3月22日(周五)上午8:30-10:00 地 点:良乡校区,物理实验楼229会议室 |
摘要: Nuclear physical inputs are critical for predicting the abundance of r-process elements. Extensive sensitivity studies have recently been started to be performed to gauge the impact of the individual properties of nuclei on the r-process. In this talk, I would like to study in particular the impact of the large uncertainties in the theoretical predictions of the masses of neutron-rich Sn isotopes and the location of the neutron drip line on the abundance of r-process abundances. The uncertainties in the predicted r-process abundances are obtained through large - scale network calculations by simultaneously varying the masses and reaction rates of Sn within the predicted mass uncertainties. To extend that study to the full nuclear chart, we are developing an extended REACLIB Stockholm Open Library for Nuclear Astrophysical Reaction Rate Variations (REACLIB-SOLNAR) where the Q value and temperature dependence of the neutron capture rates and the uncertainty in predictions are evaluated based on a Neural network algorithm. |
亓冲,瑞典皇家理工学院长聘副教授,博士生导师。2009年博士毕业于北京大学,2009-2011年在瑞典皇家理工学院从事博士后工作,2018年成为长聘副教授。研究兴趣是理论核物理、α-衰变、超流体理论、多体关联以及交叉的量子多体理论。目前已在Nature、PRL等国际知名期刊公开发表100余篇论文,被引用次数超过3000次。 |
联系方式:fwzheng@bit.edu.cn 邀请人:郑法伟 网 址:/ 承办单位:物理学院、先进光电量子结构设计与测量教育部重点实验室 |
*Title:Uncertainty in neutron drip line at Sn and its impact on r-process abundances |
*Reporter:Chong Qi (Associate Professor, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) *Time:March 22, 2024 (Friday), 8:30-10:00 AM *Place:Room 229, Physics Laboratory Building, Beijing Institute of Technology Liangxiang South Campus *Contact Person: Fawei Zheng, fwzheng@bit.edu.cn |
*Abstract: Nuclear physical inputs are critical for predicting the abundance of r-process elements. Extensive sensitivity studies have recently been started to be performed to gauge the impact of the individual properties of nuclei on the r-process. In this talk, I would like to study in particular the impact of the large uncertainties in the theoretical predictions of the masses of neutron-rich Sn isotopes and the location of the neutron drip line on the abundance of r-process abundances. The uncertainties in the predicted r-process abundances are obtained through large - scale network calculations by simultaneously varying the masses and reaction rates of Sn within the predicted mass uncertainties. To extend that study to the full nuclear chart, we are developing an extended REACLIB Stockholm Open Library for Nuclear Astrophysical Reaction Rate Variations (REACLIB-SOLNAR) where the Q value and temperature dependence of the neutron capture rates and the uncertainty in predictions are evaluated based on a Neural network algorithm. |
*Profile:Chong Qi is a tenured Associate Professor and Ph.D. supervisor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. He received his Ph.D. from Peking University in 2009, worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden from 2009 to 2011, and became a tenured Associate Professor in 2018. His research interests include theoretical nuclear physics, α-decay, superfluid theory, many-body correlations, and Interdisciplinary research fields of quantum many-body theory. He has published over 100 papers in famous journals such as Nature and PRL, with more than 3000 citations. |